Best Practice Cases

Etageboliger på Østerbro, rækkehuse i Jyllinge og et enfamiliehus i Vinge. Det er blot tre ud af i alt 25 byggerier, som forskere på BUILD, Aalborg Universitet, kigger nærmere på i en ny casesamling med best practice byggerier i forhold til klimamæssig bæredygtighed.

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Camilla Valeur Dahl
Daylight and Architecture skriver om de visionære pavilloner i København

How can architects and the building industry contribute to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? This is a central question at the UIA World Congress of Architects, which will take place 2-6 July this year. It is also the starting point for several architecture pavilions – titled the SDG Pavilions – that will emerge during the spring and summer in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Camilla Valeur Dahl